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Other National British Wildflowers Botany department at World Museum Liverpool / NBN Gateway For species maps for all flora and fauna BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX of the BRITISH FLORA including Floras, Herbals, Periodicals, Societies and References relating to the identification, distribution and occurrence of Phanerogams, Vascular Cryptogams and Charophytes in the British Isles compiled by N. DOUGLAS SIMPSON, M.A., F.L.S. is at wildlife trusts
Wildlife Trusts Cheshire Lancashire BSBI
Botanical Society of the British Isles have many resources at Botanical Society of the Britain and Ireland. The BSBI Plant Atlas 2020 website is now up and running at and the Atlas itself is at It is based on over 30 million records and has distribution maps for 3,495 species. BSBI News archive (1-126 - Jan 1972 to April 2014) BSBI Watsonia Archive (1948-2010) Proceedings of the BSBI at The Botanical Exchange Club archives are at Their page for vc58 (Cheshire) is here and that for VC 59 and 60 (Lancashire) here Grid-reference parser ( Journal of Botany at and also at Local Resources
Local Floras Liverpool Area Hall, T.B (1839). A Flora of Liverpool. Walmsley, Liverpool. Whitaker and Co. London. with an engraved map ; and an appendix, containing meteorological tables & observations for the year 1838, by Wilson Armistead. xvii, 186 pp. : illustrated , fold. Map. Dickinson, J. (1851).Flora of Liverpool. Transactions of Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Sessions 41/42. (1851-1853). No.7. Appendix. Liverpool and London. Available at And a twenty four page supplement in 1855 by Dickinson in Proceedings of Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool volume 9. Appendix 2. At Fisher, H.S. (1855). Remarks on the Flora of Liverpool. Transactions of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Volume 7. Page 165 - 173. Here Eckroyd Smith, H., (1861). Botanical Notices. Transactions of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Volume.13. Pages 67-70. Is here. Fisher, H.S. (1863). On the British Roses and Brambles occurring in the Liverpool District. Transactions of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Volume. 15. Pages 93-96. Fisher, H.S. (1867). The Introduced Plants of the Liverpool District. Transactions of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Volume. 19. Pages 189-194. Is here. Fisher, H.S. (ed.) (1872). The Flora of Liverpool. Liverpool Naturalists Field Club. Appendix (Supplements) in 1873, 1875 and 1887. Covers an area 15 miles around Liverpool and two miles around Southport. Brown, R. (1873). Appendix to the Flora of Liverpool. Liverpool Naturalists Field Club. Brown, R. (1875). Second Appendix to the Flora of Liverpool. Liverpool Naturalists Field Club. Brown, R. (1887). Third Appendix to the Flora of Liverpool. Liverpool Naturalists Field Club. Green, Conrad Theodore (1902). The Flora of The Liverpool District . D. Marples & Co. Liverpool. Illustrated by Emily Margaret Wood. Link here Green, C.T. (1933). Flora of the Liverpool District. Second edition. T. Buncle, Arbroath. Cheshire De Tabley, Lord (1899). The Flora of Cheshire. Longman, Green and Co., London. Newton, A. (1971). Flora of Cheshire. Cheshire Community Council, Chester. Newton, A. (1990). Supplement Flora of Cheshire. A. Newton, Leamington Spa. privately published. 52 pp. South Lancashire Savidge, J.P., Heywood,V.H. and Gordon, V. (1963). Travis’s Flora of South Lancashire. Liverpool Botanical Society, Liverpool. North / West Lancashire Ashfield, C.J. (1858-65). Flora of Preston and Neighbourhood. Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire Transactions. 10-12 and 2-5 (new series) and reprinted as a whole around 1866. Available here Part 1.volume 10. page 143-164. Part 2. Volume 12. Pages. 127-134. Part 3. Volume.14. Pages 75-80. Part 4. Volume. 17. Pages 181-186. Preston Scientific Society. (1903). Flora of Preston and Neighbourhood. Preston Scientific Society. 62pp. Wheldon, J.A and Wilson, A. (1907). The Flora of West Lancashire. Liverpool. Livermore, L.A. and Livermore, P.D. (1987). The Flowering Plants and Ferns of North Lancashire. Greenwood, E.F. (2012). Flora of North Lancashire. Palatine Books (Carnegie Publishing). ISBN: 9781874181897. [647 pages, 76 plates and 1250 maps]. Mersey Basin Greenwood, E. F. (ed.) (1998). Ecology and Landscape Development. A history of the Mersey Basin. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. Manchester area Wood, J.B. (1840). Flora Mancuniensis: or A Catalogue of the Flowering Plants, the Ferns and Their Allies, Found (indigenous) Within Fifteen Miles of Manchester, Arranged According to the Linnaean System ...Manchester Mechanics' Institution Natural History Society. 81 pages. Grindon, L.H. (1859). The Manchester Flora: a descriptive list of the plants growing wild within eighteen miles of Manchester. William White, London. at also contains an Appendix of Southport Plants. from page 535 at Greenless, T. & Holden, T.K. (1919/20). Flora of Bolton. Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist. 1920/21. Fungi McLeod, R.G. (1866). On the microscopic fungi of the district around Liverpool. Transactions Of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Volume. 18. Pages 227-136. Here Wheldon, H.J. (1912). Lancashire Ascomycetes. Journal of Botany. Volume 59, page 182 - 193. Diatoms Comber, T. (1858). On the Diatomaceae of the neighbourhood of Liverpool. Transactions Of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Volume. 11. Pages 72-82. Here Other Online resources Journals have the following journals, proceedings etc. Proceedings of the Liverpool Biological Society. Volume 1. (1886/7) to 3 (1888/9) at Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society. Volume 4 (1889) to 36 (1922) at Report of the Liverpool Microscopical Society at Report of the Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool Numbers 1-11 (1845-1857) at The Naturalist by Yorkshire Naturalists Union volumes 1 (1864) to 146 (2021) at The Phytologist at The New Phytologist at Mosses, Lichens and Fungi etc.
British Lichen Society British Bryological Society North West Fungus Group MykoGolfer Fungus page of Tony Carter |
Recording 1
The Main Links from the Recording session are below and in the Links part of this web site. The Biological Records Centre (BRC) was established in 1964 and provides a national focus for species recording, primarily through support of national species recording schemes and societies. National Biodiversity Network Atlas. The NBN Atlas is the UK’s largest collection of biodiversity data and to date, holds over 223 million wildlife records from across the UK, the species search is at Species search | NBN Atlas. Grid-reference parser ( shows plant species (taxon) lists for hectads (2 x 2 km squares). •Grid Reference Finder helps you find grid references from post code, location, latitude / longitude or what three words. GMLRC MapApp gives you grid references, local record centre area, vc number and squares down to 10 metre level. Useful Websites BSBI LBS Nature Spot The Wildflower Society Hants Plants: a site for botanists in Hampshire Notes from workshops on difficult to identify plants. ID Guides | Norfolk Flora Group Identification guides from Norfolk. YouTube Channels Nature Spot NatureSpot - YouTube BSBI Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland YouTube The Wildflower Society The Wild Flower Society - YouTube Recording Apps and Programmes INaturalist. A Community for Naturalists · iNaturalist Record your encounters with other organisms and maintain life lists. IRecord Home | iRecord a site for managing and sharing your wildlife records. Local Record Centres Lancashire - Lancashire Environmental Record Network (LERN) LERN - the Lancashire Environment Record Network - Lancashire County Council is a collection, storage and access hub for environmental data in the county. Greater Manchester Local Record Centre We collect, verify, safeguard and share records relating to species, habitats and sites designated as having local, national and international conservation value. Merseyside BioBank exists to collect, collate and quality assure information on the natural environment to better inform conservation and decision making for the benefit of Biodiversity in North Merseyside. Links to over 80in the UK national species recording schemes . Bird Track BirdTrack | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology eBird eBird - Discover a new world of birding... Mammal Mapper Mammal Mapper – The Mammal Society iRecord Butterflies | Butterfly Conservation ( iRecord Grasshoppers mobile app | Biological Records Centre ( Leaf Snap LeafSnap - Plant Identifier App, Top Mobile App for Plant Identification Lens Google Lens – search what you see More Useful Links Local Groups
Local Floras and Groups Botanical Cornwall | A New Flora of Devon – online edition – The Devonshire Association ( Somerset Rare Plants Group - Recording all plants growing wild in Somerset, not just the rarities! Wiltshire Botanical Society ( Dorset Flora Group – Dorset Environmental Records Centre ( Hants Plants: a site for botanists in Hampshire Home - Sussex Botanical Recording Society ( Welcome to the Surrey Botanical Society website ( Herts Flora Group | Herts Flora Group home ( Oxfordshire Flora Group - ANHSO About the Norfolk Flora Group | Norfolk Flora Group vc29 Cambridgeshire BSBI ( Shropshire Botanical Society ( Bradford Botany Group ( Facebook Groups and Blogs Sussex Botanical Recording Society Kent Botany Group Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group Surrey Botanical Society Local Natural History Societies South London Botanical Institute London Natural History Society Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society Holmesdale Natural History Club Friends of Selsdon Wood Friends of Hurst Park Kent Botanical Recording Group Hants Plants Headley Heath - National Trust Reigate Area Conservation Volunteers Surrey Hills Society Sussex Botanical Recording Society More Useful Links National
National Checklists BSBI Vice-County Census Catalogue BSBI England Red List Online Atlas of the British and Irish flora Stace 3 to Stace 4 name changes for VC17 National Organisations Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland MapMate National Trust Natural History Museum Kew RHS Wisley Plantlife Species Recovery Trust The Wild Flower Society National Trust Freshwater Habitats Trust Other Links British Bryological Society British Mycological Society Natural England National Biodiversity Network RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) Aids to Identification British Wild Flowers - John Somerville British Wild Flowers - Linda Pitkin Wild Flowers of the British Isles - Peter Llewellyn Wild Flower Finder English Wild Flowers: A Seasonal Guide Find Wild Flowers - BSBI Plant Identification - BSBI Herbaria - BSBI Ferns in Britain and Ireland Tree Identification - Woodland Trust YouTube Plant Videos Threatened Arable Plants Guide Maps British Geological Survey BSBI National Mapping Scheme Cucaera Grid Reference Finder Open Street Map Ordnance Survey Where's the Path Magic Maps Watsonian Vice-counties (History) Ellis, W.D. (2001-22). Plant parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. |